Resource Detail
Profiles of Individual Radicalization in the United States (PIRUS)
Description: PIRUS is a database of 3,203 Islamist, far-left, far-right, and single- issue extremists who have radicalized to violent and nonviolent extremism in the United States from 1948 through 2021. The National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START) defines extremism as the use of illegal means, including violence, in the pursuit of political, economic, religious, or social goals. The PIRUS database is based entirely on open-sources and is freely available for download on START’s webpage at The analysis for this research brief draws on the full dataset and illustrates the important differences that exist across ideological groups, as well as those which distinguish violent from non-violent extremists.
Date Added: 3/4/2024 10:36:19 AM
Last Updated: 3/4/2024 10:36:19 AM
Length: 4 Pages
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